My Teaching

Plating ready for students to start service at Cranleigh Art Show 2013

 I teach and research the background of each  of my students. I use the Quality Teaching Framework to make sure that the learning needs of all my students are addressed. I establish clear, challenging and achievable outcomes for my students. I critically reflect on my teaching strategies and classroom learning environment and incorporates new ideas into the content to support a wide range of students. I value the diversity of students, I acknowledge their behavioural traits and adjusts my strategies accordingly.

Through my understanding of the individual needs of the students in my classes I have organized high quality and engaging programs.  I used the students Individual Learning Plans to set goals that will challenge and extend students.
Food First Unit for Board of Senior Secondary Studies Practical Session 

The use of ICT is an important aspect of my teaching strategies and I have successfully used the interactive whiteboard, iPads and computers to engage and teach students. Through my participation in the curriculum committee I took on a leadership role in showing colleagues how to use the Australian Curriculum to plan programs and how to adapt and differentiate the curriculum to meets the needs of individual students.
I have a comprehensive knowledge of my students individual specialist needs. I use a range of assessment tools, which include standardised testing  as well as my own well-designed assessment data (rubrics, assignments). I am in constant contact with parents giving regular feedback in both formal (parent teacher interviews, Scans, ILP meetings) and informal (phone calls, emails, student diary entries) settings.

I have worked with the Canberra Institute of Technology to organize and carry out the hospitality program, which allows students to access the CIT facilities and staff to gain a Certificate 1 in Kitchen Operations. Through this program, I have been able to arrange both work experience opportunities and part time work for some of the hospitality students. To help my students through this course I organised catering functions for various community groups such as the Cranleigh Art Show, MS Society luncheon and The Twilight in the Jungle at the Canberra Zoo and set up a student run canteen once a week.
2013 Students at CIT Reid working/learning in the Commercial Cookery Kitchen 

Other tasks that I have taken on at The Woden School include, Home Economics Coordinator, organising year 10 formals, organising information sessions for teachers on food safety and for parents on hospitality information nights, first aid officer on school camps, implemented a Textiles program, renovated/updated the school canteen area and coordinated school assemblies and staff meetings when required. 

I love teaching 

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